gwbc is coming to
new zealand
about gwbc
Merrin Schnabel have established Geelong Women's Business Club (GWBC) as platform to inspire, empower and connect businesses and women. She want to give entrepreneurs and professional a platform to network with and mentor one another through speaking engagements and networking gatherings. GWBC have amazing well-known speakers at their events. Successfully, Merrin's initiative has given life to several business ventures which she's truly proud of.
spreading gwbc's mission
Geelong Women’s Business Club (GWBC) which started as a small and intimate networking event in Geelong went Australia-wide in 2022. All GWBC's events which are attended by high-profile Australian celebrities and leaders are truly remarkable. Feedback from attendees is that they make lifelong connections, and some now collaborate with one another. Some new businesses have developed from simply attending one of the events.
Now in 2023, GWBC is committed to continue its mission to reach and empower more people. It is going international with its first stop at New Zealand.
By joining this event, be ready to walk away with confidence and motivation to achieve success in your life, career and business.
This is your chance to participate the influential networking events that taken Australia by storm.
are you coming along to our NZ event?
Subscribe for more details about the upcoming GWBC event!